*Ch Kelinpark Xpresso 'A' (0:0) 'Z' (3:1)
DOB 28/1/2022
Sire: Conbhairean Freddie
Dam: Kelinpark Nutella
Thanks to Lyn Gregor for our bundle of mischief
Coffee had 11 pups to Chili Della Valcuvia 13th July. See litters page.
Coffee passed scentwork interiors and also her first pass in tracking
Beautiful Coffee is now Breed surveyed
Coffee won BOB at Gunnedah Sep Show to gain the final points for her Championship
Qld July Show - Coffee 1st place Junior on Sunday, 3rd on Sat. Video below is from Sunday. Coffee is the first dog.
KELINPARK XPRESSO AZ 2100580148 Su 28 Jan 2022 Bred By: L Gregor Uk Ch Conbhairean Freddie (Imp Uk) x Kelinpark Nutella 16mths. 61cm 29.5cm Good proportions. Very Big, expressive bitch, strong head, dark mask, dark eye, good ear placement. Good length of neck, good wither hight , good backline, good croup, good underline, good fore and very good hind angulation, stands correct in front and behind, okay coming and going,. Shows very good movement, with very good reach and drive. Firm back maintaining correct topline at all speeds
Qld March Show critique - Judge Mr Tony Gibson (NZ)
14mths. 61.5cm 30cm. very large, strong, powerful bitch, very good head, a little jowly, good eye colour, neck is good, high withers, very good back, very good length and lay of croup, very good fore and hindquarter, showing very good muscle tone. Very good feet. Correct going, a little wide coming. Very good powerful far reaching gait transmitted from hindquarters. Head is carried correctly on the move.
14mths. 61.5cm 30cm. very large, strong, powerful bitch, very good head, a little jowly, good eye colour, neck is good, high withers, very good back, very good length and lay of croup, very good fore and hindquarter, showing very good muscle tone. Very good feet. Correct going, a little wide coming. Very good powerful far reaching gait transmitted from hindquarters. Head is carried correctly on the move.

Coffee's critique from GSDL Show Feb 2023
5 th KELINPARK XPRESSO German Shepherd Dog League Inc Members Comp - Sunday, February 12, 2023 Judge: Mr Salvatore Pitelli – February, 2023 height 60cms 29.5 cms Large strong and substantial female of very good type and pigment, strong powerful head ,very good shape and set of ears, powerful upper and lower jaw, good eye colour, strong powerful neck , high long wither, firm back, well laid but slightly short croup, very good length of foreleg, good forequarter angulation where upper arm could be better angled, good underline, moves correct coming and going, stands correct in front shows strong powerful drive with good reach, through a firm topline.
5 th KELINPARK XPRESSO German Shepherd Dog League Inc Members Comp - Sunday, February 12, 2023 Judge: Mr Salvatore Pitelli – February, 2023 height 60cms 29.5 cms Large strong and substantial female of very good type and pigment, strong powerful head ,very good shape and set of ears, powerful upper and lower jaw, good eye colour, strong powerful neck , high long wither, firm back, well laid but slightly short croup, very good length of foreleg, good forequarter angulation where upper arm could be better angled, good underline, moves correct coming and going, stands correct in front shows strong powerful drive with good reach, through a firm topline.
At her first specialty show in Canberra in June, she came 5th from 16 baby puppies.
GSD Specialty Qld July, Coffee came 1st on Sunday in Baby Puppy Bitch